April 1, 2023

Who's the prankster, foo?

Sorry folks! Missed March. However, April 1st OR April Fool's Day is just around the corner. This got me thinking about pranks and the tricks parents play when their children are young.  I remember when I was growing up that my Dad told me there were little men in the dashboard of the car that ran back and forth to make the blinkers turn on/off right before he was going to make a turn. These little men were also the ones that played the orchestra IN the radio and were also IN the TV acting out all those shows and changing to commercials.  Yeaaa....I checked out the back of the TV.  Man, was I gullible! And, so young! Dad even went so far as to tell my brother and me that the scar on his lower right side of his stomach was because when he was in the war a bullet almost hit him but he was able to suck in his stomach super fast! I knew something was hinky when, a little older, he told us when he was stationed in Alaska that he had to fight a bear. And it was the bear that took a swipe at him...but he sucked in his stomach super fast!  Hmmmm......Nope dad! It was an appendix scar. As we get older we also play similar pranks on our own children. One is the magical green traffic light. Papa got the grandkids with this one by telling them to ask and say please to get the light to change. Whoopi Goldberg, however, just blew in the direction of her traffic light in Corina, Corina to get it to turn green. We have manners...Lol...most of the time. How about a car you can drive with your eyes closed? Little did the grandkids know that Papa only had one eye shut. And these are just a few of many over the years.  But I think one of the best goes to when our children were in their teenage years and we went out of town for the weekend. Oh no! Teenagers left alone!! Rules were set down. No fighting, No Parties, No making a mess or it better get cleaned up! You can have one friend over. We will be home sometime on Sunday. Be careful. We love you. Sunday comes rolling around and we call the kids and let them know that we are about one hour away so the house better be cleaned up and additional people need to be heading home! One hour went by. Then two. We called back to check on them and they assured us that everything was done and cleaned for when we get home....Then we told the kids we were still in Brownsville and would be home on Monday. Love you guys!! Bye!!  

These are the memories I cherish and we still laugh about today. No Joke!!

Peace & Blessings everyone!

Just Reminiscing Photography