December 31, 2022

Endings and New Beginnings

Wow! How time flies. I meant to post a blog for Christmas and yet, here we are...already going into the New Year. While 2022 may be ending and we will all be starting a new year in 2023, I remember not so long ago where I received a Christmas greeting from Santa Claus. We happened to be driving down a small town main street when I saw Santa shouting out greetings and waving to cars as they drove by. Of course, I had to open my window and yell back at him, "Hi Santa!" We WERE stopped at a light. I may have looked like a dork but I'm good with that since I LOVE the holiday season. Santa waved at me and yelled back, "Merry Christmas to you! Next year you will find your heart's desire." Little did I know how prophetic those words were going to be.  

With every new beginning there is some type of ending. The death of a loved one, loss of a job or in my case, the end of a lifelong relationship. As hard as that was to get through, it brought me to new beginnings. Some in the form of reconnecting with old friends, taking better care of myself healthwise, spending more time with my pups and finding hobbies that turned into passions for me. Like photography. Love it, Live it, Breathe it! I am sooooo loving this journey. Meeting new people and visiting new places. Greeting each day with optimism there is always a blessing coming. 

Going forward, I hope this New Year brings your heart's desire in the form of much love from those close to you, inspiration and motivation to follow your dreams and blessings brought into your life. 

Happy New Year!