February 14, 2023

Valentine's Day Love

Found this picture of my babes, Bella & Lil Blu when they were younger pups. I love this photo since it looks like they are kissing. They were always playing together just like small children. Now, here we are 5 years later and both pups still do this even though the playfulness has toned down just slightly.  Can you imagine these two jumping around in a pier & beam house?  Yeah...you can definitely feel the shaking if they get too rambunctious.  Lol  But I wouldn't have it any other way. Love has it's cycles. Young and giddy. New with children & changes. Mid-life and TEENS. Empty nesters and time alone together...Sometimes. By this stage if you've made it as a couple, bless you both for hanging in there! Usually, for some by now, life has changed dramatically with blending of families, grandchildren and maybe even a little bit of chaos thrown in for spice. Thanks Universe!!  But...Valentines Day comes along once every year during those changes. Use this day as a reminder to those close to you to show them how much they mean to you. Take pictures, eat dessert, tell them you love them...Love can be fleeting or forever.  My babes...they will be getting treats!  

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Hope your day is filled with much love. 

Peace & Blessings

Just Reminiscing Photography