January 29, 2024

Happy Heavenly Birthday Raul...

My brother Raul was four years older than me and my first friend. I remember good times with him as a child. Of course we had our arguments as all siblings do but we still came back together in the end. We are family. That is what our Mother taught us...no matter what family first. So it was Raul and me for many years and through many moves with the military. He was my first babysitter when our parents finally went out. He was my first introduction to music like Eagles and Pink Floyd. He was also my confidant when things didn't go so well in my marriage. He was always there. Even though I was inspired by photography as a teenager, it was Raul who picked up the camera and made a lifetime of friends through photography. He carried that camera everywhere. When he left this world, he left me his camera equipment. I guess he knew that my passion for photography was still there just laying dormant. I came across many of his photos but it was two years after his passing before I took his camera out and finally started my own journey. Now I understand why he always carried his camera with him. Just in case he came across that "one shot" you didn't want to miss. Thank you reminding me of what I'd been missing. What I believe is my purpose in life through photography. I know that he is doing well and we will see each other on the other side.

How do I know...I'm a strong believer in dreams and touching the other side. This is a dream my husband had one night.

He dreamt that Raul was on the his bed surrounded by coins that he was happily tossing in the air and playing with. My dad, who had also passed, appeared by his bedside and told Raul it was time to go. But Raul kept playing with the coins. Then my Dad started walking away toward the clouds and when he turned around he was extending his hand to Raul. Raul jumped off the bed and went to join him. On his way to join our father Raul turned into a young joyful boy again. Such a beautiful dream that I know he is definitely with our Father. Peace & Blessing Bro! I love you...