November 13, 2022

Being Thankful

Well, Halloween is over for another year. Which means the holidays are rolling up on us pretty quickly. There's going to be people out there that just want to get "through" this time of year in a hurry. Not me. I savor the  Thanksgiving, at our house when I was growing up, was never a "formal" affair. Going to a relative's house, that was a different "formal". Like the picture above. But here, if you came over, you ate! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie. Let's not forget, fresh tortillas, pan de dulce and tamales in an array of flavors. I remember, as a youngster, the aromas that greeted me awake that morning and permeated throughout the house the whole day while mom was cooking. Dad would clean and make presentable the outside of the house and everybody pitched in getting the inside cleaned. Just in case we had company. My parents welcomed everyone. There was never a designated time to eat, just when it was all done cooking. Followed by watching THE football game (Dad was a big Dallas Cowboys fan. A tradition I still keep) and a nap, of course. OMG! I can feel my pants getting tighter. LOL But you know what? It was spent working and spending time together as a family. I still follow the same traditions for Thanksgiving except now I've taken on the role of Mom duties. And, I have someone to share the duties of getting up at 5 a.m. to prep and start the turkey, warm up the tamales and prepare for the other dishes including setting out the pan de dulce. No need for scented candles today since the house smells soooo good with all those enticing aromas. This...always reminds me of Home. And, while it can be exhausting for the day, it is definitely worth every minute. Then, when the kids and grandkids show up, my house is full. Full of love. Full of laughter. Full of life. Yes. I am Thankful and very Blessed.  

May you all have Peace and Blessings this Thanksgiving.